Assalamualaikum EveryOne,
Firstly, I'm want to apologize to you all for the delay in updating our Appreciation Night 2010.
So here are the info for the Night :
(Dress can be formal or smart casual but it must suit the theme of colours)
Payment can be paid to Nadzirah, Suzie, Suhara, Eddie, Khai & Syah
The dateline for the ticket payment is on 15th May 2010
P/S : There will be " The Best Dress Award", so guys wear your BEST ATTIRE!!..=)
So booked now to avoid disappointment. We need your confirmation earlier, since I also need to confirm the booking place.
Regarding the activities of the function, we welcome your suggestions. You are also welcome to do some performance either individuals/group.
Hope to get your respond...& any Soon will be our Graduations Day!!!
Until Then, Take Care.. =)
Best Regards, Nadzirah Jaafar